Friday, August 7, 2020


 "Femme is not something that can be easily defined. It is a feeling, a way of being and if you are femme then you are femme. It's yours to claim. It's yours to decide. One of the things I love about being femme is my love of other femmes. I love the way that other femmes do femme and I love the way they do it differently. I am impressed with femmes who wear heals. I am awed by eyeliner skills. I notice the small details of femme ensembles. And none of it take away from my own understanding of my own ways of being femme.

Femme love and femme solidarity." p.54

"Femmes are not interchangeable. Femmes are not an endless array of exciting new options. Femmes are not here to fulfill your sexual fantasies. Femmes are not here to entertain you. Femmes are not here to take care of you. Femmes do not owe you any fucking thing. Not a smile. Not our time. Not conversation. Not an explanation. We don't owe you shit." p. 168

Clementine Morrigan, You Can't Own the Fucking Stars